


How to identify Squid

Squid is very important in Japanese food culture, and different types have different tastes and textures. Here, we will introduce in detail the most common types of squid, how to tell them apart, recommended ways to eat them, and cooking methods, from high-end squid to casually eaten squid.


【アオリイカBigfin reef squid】

Bigfin reef squids are larger than other squids and have a rounded body. They are easy to identify because their fins cover almost the entire body. Bigfin reef squids are often caught from spring to early summer, and their beautiful, transparent body surface is also a distinctive feature.

The recommended way to eat them is as sashimi or sushi. Bigfin reef squids have thick flesh and a strong sweetness, and eating them raw allows you to enjoy their freshness and soft texture to the fullest. In particular, fresh bigfin reef squid sashimi is popular for its beautiful transparency and chewy texture.



Unlike other squids, cuttlefish have a flat, oval-shaped body. They are characterized by having hard bones on their backs, and their body surface is easily discolored and can change its pattern as if for camouflage. This distinctive appearance makes it relatively easy to identify them.


【スルメイカPacific flying squid】

The Japanese flying squid is the most well-known type of squid in Japan. It is characterized by a long, slender body and a thin fin on its back, and is often seen in the waters off Japan's coast from autumn to winter. The key points to distinguishing the Japanese flying squid are that it has a brown body, a slim overall shape, a large head, and fins only on one part of its body.

Recommended ways to eat squid include sashimi, grilled dishes, and tempura. Grilled squid in particular brings out the fragrant flavor, and is delicious when flavored with a sauce made from soy sauce and mirin. Dried squid is also popular as a snack to go with alcohol, known as "surumeika."


【ヤリイカSpear squid】

As its name suggests, spear squids are characterized by their elongated, cylindrical body. They are even elongated and thinner than Japanese flying squids, with small fins at the end of their bodies. They are mainly in season in the winter, and are often eaten as sashimi or in stews.

The recommended way to eat spear squid is to lightly cook it or eat it raw. The meat is soft and has a refreshing taste, and the umami of the squid spreads with every bite. In addition, the soft texture is further enhanced when it is boiled or shabu-shabu.

The key points to distinguishing squid species are the shape of the body, the size and position of the fins, and the season in which they can be caught. Each type has its own characteristic shape, such as the long and slender bodies of the Pacific flying squid and spear squid, the rounded bigfin reef squid, and the flat cuttlefish. In addition, the position and spread of the fins also help to distinguish them.

Each type of squid has its own recommended way of eating, and the flavor can be brought out to the fullest with the right cooking method. When choosing squid, learning about the type and enjoying dishes that match its characteristics will give you a richer dining experience.


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Itabashi Trading Co., Ltd
Food Department 
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