Food news
Japanese Gelato Shop “Ying Zhi Liang Pin Gelato”
Ying Zhi Liang Pin Gelato Mallspring StoreNo. 88 Binhe Road, Guang'an District, Guang'an, Sichuan, China (B1F,...
Medical news
18th Japan Drug Store Show
"Ying Zhi Kang Pin": We ran a booth at the 18th Japan Drug Store Show. We participated in the 18th Ja...
Food news
The 15th Japanese Rice Promotional Event in China
(February 10, 2018)The 15th Japanese Rice Promotional Event in China Date and Time: Saturday, February 10, 201...
Food news
Japanese Food Promotion
Participating Restaurant (Beijing) Participating Restaurant (Shanghai) Honkaku Sushi No. 1...
Medical news
Ying Zhi Medical | Academic Lecture by a Japanese Expert Ends in Guangzhou and Dalian, China
From November 9 to 11, 2017, Itabashi Trading Co., Ltd., China Travel Service Agency Dalian Co., Ltd., and thr...
Medical news
[Seminar News] Learning Ability Is the Engine of Corporate Development
Dalian University of Technology MBA Learning ability is the engine of corporate development — a lecture by...